#DropTheT: The Movement Intended To Alienate Transgender Women From Pride is Gaining Momentum

Phaylen Fairchild
4 min readJun 3, 2018

By now you may have seen the hashtag #DropTheT trending on twitter in the days leading up to Pride Month. It was started by lesbian radical feminists (Or Radfems) as an effort to violently excise Transgender participation and presence at global pride events.

The most worrisome development is how some LGB folks have adopted the hashtag, joining forces with the feminists, openly expressing that the inclusion and support of Trans individuals at pride events is “Setting back the movement,” accusing us of violence against women.

While supporters of the alienation of trans women are still advocating for the inclusion of lesbian, gay and bisexual individuals, the resistance to embracing trans identifying folks is a growing trend.

Because of the swell of support that #DropTheT has experienced over the last few days, many Trans men and women have expressed fear regarding their attendance at Pride events as even their closest allies have urged them to use caution should they opt to go to the celebrations.



Phaylen Fairchild

Actor, Filmmaker, LGBTQ+ & Women’s Rights Activist All work copyright phaylens@gmail.com