Anti Trans Radical Feminist Julie Bindel Accuses A Trans Person of Assault

Phaylen Fairchild
7 min readJun 8, 2019

Julie Bindel has made a successful career of demonizing transgender women across the entire United Kingdom.

In fact, she has previously been banned from speaking at the University of Manchester due to the hateful rhetoric that she routinely espouses toward the transgender community, mostly trans women who she aggressively opposes their participation in the feminist movement and refers to as “Men disposing of their genitals.”

It was after a speaking engagement at Edinburgh University that Bindel alleges the sudden and violent attack on her person took place by a transgender woman, Cathy Brennan. Bindel characterized the altercation by saying: “He ran right at me, was inches away from me. His fists were raised and his face was twisted with hatred and anger,” Bindel told The Londoner.

However, problems immediately arose regarding the credibility of Bindel’s story. First she alleged the attack happened at the airport. She did leave the speaking engagement 10 minutes early, according to several accounts, to catch a plane. However, she corrected that later, claiming it happened outside the University, not…



Phaylen Fairchild

Actor, Filmmaker, LGBTQ+ & Women’s Rights Activist All work copyright